How To Gain Credibility As A Subject Matter Expert

How to build your credibility as an industry expert

I get inquiries all the time from clients who are looking for an expert in résumé writing and career branding to help them transition to a new job or career, get a promotion, or negotiate a salary increase they feel they deserve. Understandably, they want to invest in an expert who knows the industry and has a tried-and-true process that gets results. My online presence, published work, and previous client testimonials are a testament to my expertise.

In the professional world, I am what is known as a subject matter expert. My subject matter is résumé writing and career brand coaching, but you can become an expert in anything. As you seek to impress top companies, be known as a thought leader in your industry, or fight for that six-figure salary, you must first gain credibility.

First, let’s talk about who seeks out subject matter experts. The answer may surprise you: it’s everyone! Everybody seeks out subject experts because there’s always something about which they have no knowledge. For example, if I wanted to learn the secret to finding top talent for my new company, I would hire a human resources specialist. The key to appealing to the masses is to become an expert in a subject that is in high demand. If you establish yourself as an authority on marketing, social media, human resources, operations, or another sought-after corporate field, you open yourself up to far more opportunities to sell your expertise.

What Career And Revenue Opportunities Are Open To Subject Matter Experts?

Subject matter experts may pursue freelance or consulting careers, where they will work as short-term contractors or charge by the project. They may also apply for a consultant position at a single company and receive full-time hours and benefits. Focus on making yourself stand out from the competition. On average, employers receive 118 applications for each open job position, and only 20% of those applicants receive an interview. Establishing yourself as an expert with a proactive online presence, in addition to your résumé and portfolio, will make you far more attractive to companies.

You may think that there is too much competition in your field for you to make a dent, but remember, your story and your voice count. There are people waiting to hear about your gifts and talents. You are the solution they’ve been waiting for.

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and join the crowd. Eventually, with the right brand strategies and credibility ratings, you will become a leader in your field and stand out.

The tricky part of selling your subject matter expertise is building your credibility as an authoritative voice. You need to convince strangers that you are who you say you are, and that you possess the knowledge and skills they seek. Here are some ways to do that:

1 | Become Certified

If your chosen subject matter is something you can get a certification or a degree in, you can use that to show potential employers how knowledgeable and serious you are. By getting certified, you immediately project an image of expertise.

2 | Get Comfortable With Continuing Education

Industries are always evolving, and you must remain up-to-date with new mandates, industry standards, trends, and hot topics affecting your audience. Education doesn’t have to be traditional. You can gain insight from world news, industry publications, and events like workshops, webinars, summits, and conferences. Your audience is looking to you for answers to their most pressing questions, and as a subject matter expert, it’s imperative that you understand the latest happenings.

3 | Define Your Niche

I talk about building your digital footprint all the time, but before you waste time and money on a website and stylish photoshoots, you must first define your niche and create a clear message. What’s the point of having a website that no one visits? We can hurry to “get our name out there,” without defining who we are, what we do, and who we’re serving. Once you’ve laid the proper foundation, you can begin to take your message to the masses.  

In addition to starting your own platforms, remember that you can pitch your expertise as a guest blogger or podcast guest or collaborate with other industry professionals on events where you can get your message heard by as many people as possible.

4 | Make Professional Connections And Nurture Your Network

Start networking in your industry and forming professional connections as soon as possible. Comment on other people’s LinkedIn updates, follow industry peers, and share their content. You want genuine, longstanding relationships, not ones rooted in what you can get from them. People can spot inauthenticity a mile away, and the world doesn’t need more opportunists.

5 | Look And Act Professional

Your career brand online and offline should be rooted in authenticity and integrity. We can build a brand and tear it down just as fast, if not faster. You must maintain what you’ve built. This means that in every interaction and every social media or blog post, you must be professional. Handle all online engagements, interviews, meetings with colleagues, stakeholders, and even clients with poise and tact. Don’t lash out or get emotional, even in the face of negative feedback. If you act like an industry expert, potential employers will pick up on that vibe and trust you to handle their projects in an equally professional manner.

You must be consistent, but consistency doesn’t mean you must be on social media all day, every day. It’s about finding the best way to speak to your audience. Start by asking, “Where are my people, and what is the best way to show up for them?” From there, you can choose at least one method of connection and grow it. There are people waiting to hear from you.

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Looking for career coaching? We can help. At Career Global, we provide high-touch career brand coaching services that guide ambitious professional women through our signature framework to gain clarity, define their niche, get paid for their value (not for time), and increase industry impact in and out of the workplace. Click HERE to learn more.


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